Purchase NFTs

You can buy as many Bunicorns as you wish. However, for Trainers, you can only own a limited number of 4 characters.

📌NOTE: A purchase error will occur if:

  • you try to process with Trainer purchase while you have already had 4 Trainers.

  • you attempt to purchase a Trainer or a Bunicorn that has already been purchased by someone else.

  • Open Trainers tab on Market page.

Choose your desired Trainer, then click the PURCHASE button.

  • Since the system does not have the rights to directly spend your $BUNI, it would require you to spend a gas fee to spend $BUNI every time you make a purchase transaction.

  • Kindly click Confirm to continue.

  • Another Metamask transaction pop-up will appear. This second gas fee is similar to that of direct trading since purchasing involves transferring the NFT from the marketplace to your wallet.

  • Kindly click Confirm to continue.

  • After the transaction is complete, you can go back to the Trainers page to check your purchased Trainer.

Last updated